Thursday, February 23, 2012

Buckeye and Jolly leaves w/babies

I never get tired of seeing leaves take root and sprout babies.  Here are the leaves I planted in November, right before Thanksgiving.  I hope to start potting them up in a month or so.  A few leaves have yet to show any mouse-ears and some are just getting started.  Now where will I put all of these new plants?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Here are a few plants in bloom this week.  Most of my plants are disbudded to get ready for show.  But before I played Mortia Adams and snipped off all the flowers, I snapped some pictures.
A couple of shelves of new plants.  All have bloomed true.
Little Seagull

Celtic Rose

Rob's Twinkle Blue
Jersey Rose Trail

Frosty Cherry